Tws [it was] the Police Oo Done it!


[‘Tws’, old Zummerset for ‘it was’]

In Cardiff Crown Court, last week, I asked a jury to believe my story as to why I had now spent over three years just trying to clear my name and having my police/NHS(Wales) medical records corrected , ordered by Dr Gaynor Jones (read the small print), apparently with her instructions for guineas pig  tests, if you look closer as to what the lying little bastards of Caswell clinic Bridgend were really up to.

The evil little shit, Professor Rodger Wood of Swansea University, was  expecting to get away with it.

So I gave evidence from the witness box, last week but I was considered a blatant liar.

All this wickedness had been originally hatched by a Barbara Wilding with the full blessing of the Cardiff law courts (NOT magistrates from Barry, I must emphasise).


Her plan was to block the 2010 jury trial, over my trading in machine guns………

So I have had to appeal to the our London’s Criminal Court of Appeal in the Royal Courts of Justice.


The trial judge refused anything to be introduced that, in any way, related to the 2008 police machine-gun conspiracy first requiring the fabrication of his NHS (Wales) medical records to have their MAPPA victim locked up in Ashworth high security psychiatric hospital for life.

Like those that may be found on the proverbial ‘Clapham omnibus’ the facts upon which the Defendant had to rely, to put before the unsuspecting jury, must have sounded quite fantastic without the relevant corroborative evidence by way of witnesses and their documentation.

So, the Defendant was REFUSED,

  1. all relevant defence witnesses including even a character witness, Norman Scarth Esq
  2. all defence exhibits, bar one, from the Defendant’s barrister prepared bundle for the jury


  1. Defendant’s defence statement
  2. Chronology of relevant historical events (8 pages)
  3. WANTED poster with NHS (Wales) psychiatric report extract
  4. Ministry of justice MAPPA level 3 category 3 forensic record
  5. 30th September 2009 NHS (Wales) medical report
  6. 19th Oct 2009 NHS (Wales) medical report extract for sectioning to Ashworth
  7. 1st Dec 2009 Dr PM Kemp report on Defendant’s brain scan
  8. 16th June CAA psychiatric report
  9. Two August 2009 brain specialist reports from NHS(Wales) PEH Bridgend
  10. 3rd March 2009 HMP Swansea Dr Marnell brain scan report
  11. 1st Dec 11 CPS amended harassment charges
  12. 30th April 2014 HHJ Rowlands transcript
  13. 2 July 2017 M of J’s Defendant parole licence extract
  14. Defendant’s 30th Jan 2013 police/ NHS/ Ministry of Justice damages claim
  15. Defendant’s defence witness’s email
  16. Defendant’s Lewis machine gun particulars of claim against the South Wales Police
  17. Defendant’s machine gun 6th damages claim against the South Wales Police
  18. Defendant’s 4th damages claim against the South Wales Police
  19. Defendant’s Parole Board/ Min of J 7th damages claim against the South Wales Police
  20. SWP affidavit re 1st Action 8.6 garrotte tape incident affidavit
  21. Defendant’s 1st action 8.6 position statement
  22. 22nd Feb 17 1st Action court order
  23. 11th May 17 Defendant’s claims against police consolidation application
  24. 4th May 17 Defendant’s 1st 2nd & 3rd civil damages claim application notice
  25. 16th Feb 17 Defendant’s Notice of Appeal in first three police civil claims

The presiding judge also refused:

  1. any relevant records from previous restraining order convictions and acquittals despite directing the jury it ‘could take previous convictions into account’
  2. explanation of just which restraining order was allegedly breached as was it the 1st Dec 11 or 12th April13 one as neither were served on the Defendant at the time
  3. to identify who was the Complainant?
  4. was there need for a Complainant when investigating officer said there was a need?

The learned trial judge failed:

  1. to clarify which restraining order the Defendant had been applying to be amended
  2. supplying the jury with a copy of the videoed interview of Defendant under caution
  3. to accept a guilty plea for remaining indictment on condition Her Honour ordered the release of his forensic history from the South Sales Police and NHS (Wales)
  4. To allow the Defendant any misunderstanding of the wording within the said indictment

This list is not exhaustive and will be extended if disclosure from the South Wales Police is achieved and another way of looking at …..if you want to stop me going mad:11 12 01 wheelchair gate arrest.png


Extract from 18th September 2017 correspondence re ‘Strike Out’ of civil claims against ministry of Justice, Parole Board & South Wales Police.

It is apparent, at least to my friends who witnessed the criminal trial, that the learned judge was ordered not to allow either my relevant defence witnesses nor comprehensive lawyer prepared defence documents proving ‘reasonable cause’.

All were aware that the defence bound bundle was ideal also for today’s civil proceedings together with witnesses also  refused by The Recorder of Cardiff.

Similarly, my application for HM key documents for my next jury, if not for an RCJ appeal, are again required today to prove malice.

‘Reasonable excuse’ must therefore be given to the 3rd Defendant’s conduct in my today’s embarrassing civil proceedings, against HM, to have concocted their shambolic malicious prosecutions riddled, yet again, with fictitious HMCTS (Wales) altered court records for some poor prosecutor from England expected to ‘pick up and run with’..

In a civil case with no ‘disclosure’ from the perpetrators of crime is no different to  that bemused jury without the 3rd Defendant’s vjdeo of my interview, under caution or the relevant witnesses clutching the relevant HM unlawfully altered documentation.

22nd Sept 2017 claimant email to Cardiff County Court

Please confirm, for my intended RCJ appeal, you had handed down to me, via Mackenzie Friend, my18th Sept17 Parole board/police C90CF012 false imprisonment judgment within 2 minutes 41 seconds of the judge leaving the court now causing me to wonder, also, whether the court were also aware, before my getting out of bed that morning, it would have also known I would not be applying, as is the custom, for your court’s permission to appeal on anticipation of a perfunctory reply?  
today’s email extract:

I was never quite locked up in Ashworth only because no psychiatrist in Wales could be ‘found’ needed as the 2nd level 12 forensic psychiatrist signatory for the prison’s application form .

Also you missed a right  ‘cracker’ in civil court on Monday…..against same police , parole board and HM Ministry of Justice.
I HAD TO SUFFER nonsense excuses by all the above defendants all day that led to a swift ‘strike out’ of all three of my claims.
 The local judge appeared  to have not only drafted and typed out the judgment before hand but had it also handed down to me within two minutes forty one seconds from his leaving the room!
Ironic, while I think of it, when the claims had arisen from all of them having contributed to my time in Swansea prison having to therefore be doubled.
DOUBLED as no welsh psychiatrist was prepared to sit on the parole board and welsh on the fabricated forensic MAPPA records simply needing to correct my medical records for my immediate release
Roll on my 5th alleged breach of a ‘lawfully’ ‘handed down’ restraining order jury trial
 Claimant’s email to Cardiff County Court and official court reporters
Please quote cost of judgment described in enclosed application needed in 3 days when I propose visiting RCJ with appeal for ECHR
also price, please, the cheapest in common law you and your court company rules may allow
I will remain your obedient servant on the day I see the lot in Wales one day acting in accordance to our Magna Carta’s interpretation of ‘common law’ that what ever else Brexit may destroy in its wake hell bent on what two World Wars were fought for.
If we do not get an essential re vote for ‘remaining in a ‘make do’ family’ that has grown even before the days I was a prefect, albeit for only a week or two, in Taunton School back in the 60s.
Email to HM Min of Justice to day where, it is hoped, the ‘buck’ will finally stop.

South Wales Police are still refusing to release the original Barbara Wilding’s Feb 2009 false sworn affidavit that caused the need of blackmail in Caswell clinic in the first place.

Police under Morgan Cole & Dolmans’ joint legal advise MAPPA (Wales) not (England), cannot simply correct fabricated Caswell Clinic forensic reports, in any event.
WHY NOT?  Well, it is rather like jumping off the ‘gravy train’ for no good reason
Please also send me copy of affidavit required for RCJ appeal. Tanya’s witness statement and exhibits and police request for ‘further and better particulars’ as , yes Dolmans refuse to ‘resend that simple email either, no doubt to generate more easy cash

I would be most grateful and will deliver both the flowers and box of Yeatmans’ special chocolates next time I am in  town

Maurice J Kirk BVSc
Tel 07708586202

About Maurice Kirk

"When the state get it wrong it is dangerous to be right" (Voltaire) A website as a warning to others should you cross the Welsh authorities. I am forced to be a chronic litigant after being 5 years in Prison due to the Welsh Police determined to have me locked away by using fabricated medical records, by their blackmailed doctor.
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2 Responses to Tws [it was] the Police Oo Done it!

  1. Strange that we should have this in common, Maurice:

    1. Using the internet as a last resort, when we can’t get justice in courts;
    2. Being expected to comply with a ‘Restraining Order’ – no matter how valid, lawful or legal;
    3. Alleged criminals posing as ‘witnesses’;
    4. Police instigating procedures without ‘complainants’, but bringing along ‘witnesses’;
    5. Having to face prison for ‘contempt of court’ or the violation of said Restraining Orders – which, actually, do NOT apply, when we “report or prevent crimes”.

    Didn’t you report the crimes committed against you EIGHT times to the Police???

    I only reported to all Barnet Councillors and the Home Secretary…

    At a recent UK Internet Governance Forum, it was said that technology moves at 100mph, whereas legislation moves at 2mph…


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