
Maurice is case no 23 in the collection of case summaries I produced. Lord Sudeley had said “we need to group cases to change the law”.  Five years later I conclude:

  1. bankruptcies were just the tip of an iceberg of unfathomable evil, corruption and institutionalised hypocrisy;
  2. white collar criminals hide behind their position and the power of their institution;
    • for institutions can’t be wrong, can they?
    • professionals don’t lie, do they?
    • perfidious Albion was just a fantasy of the French, wasn’t it?
  3. blue collar criminals are Police and Prison staff who are paid to do their jobs
    • ticking boxes
    • with reward and punishment by ‘targets’
    • thus criminalising the innocent and letting the criminals  pretend to be innocent.

You can’t make it up. But Maurice knows from bitter personal experiences. His remarkable fighting spirit and IQ in the top 5% of the population let him keep going – even though the institutions rely on him being ruined: physically, financially, mentally, emotionally. But: they can’t kill his spirit!!!

Here he is at a meeting House of Lords meeting to Tackle the Serious Oppression of Their Majesties’ Subjects on – with WWII veteran victim and fighter Norman Scarth – on March 9, 2010:

Here is his own YouTube channel.