South Wales Police close my Bank Account

Nigel Farage is not alone weilding a political stick at a world imploding as we sit here contemplating.

The welsh police in the Vale of Glamorgan had just lost 43 odd malicious criminal prosecutions against me and so quickly closed my bank account out of spite and deceit.

Just a couple of their evil charactaristics metered out on me during my 20 years in practice in the Vale as a veterinary surgeon. Not stopping there both my BS614159 +2 and 1CF03361 (‘trading in machine guns’ acquittal) civil claim.

Incidentally, the ‘machine gun’ conspiracy, by the then Chief Constable Barara Wilding, was never designed to even reach the law courts, for trial by jury, only for their blackmailed Dr TW (name protected by yet another laughable Cardiff Crown Court Restraining Order) to make the court application I be immediately sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act and locked up, for life, in Ashworth Psychiatric Hospital!……fortunately, the wrong judge knew me.

My £30,000 Breton cottage one hour from Portsmouth St Malo ferry- tel 07708586202 or +333603622, Lake and forest extra….email…….building plot and ruined house £20,000

About Maurice Kirk

"When the state get it wrong it is dangerous to be right" (Voltaire) A website as a warning to others should you cross the Welsh authorities. I am forced to be a chronic litigant after being 5 years in Prison due to the Welsh Police determined to have me locked away by using fabricated medical records, by their blackmailed doctor.
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