Lazy, Lying MP has even blocked my voting for my New Prime Minister!

I have not received my ballot papers to vote for our next PM by 5pm today

But no one has told me why and where have my membership monies gone?

I telephoned, wrote and even visited my Conservative Head Office in Westminster for explanations, if not just out of spite but I was still ignored. So, when too late today, I was told it was my Taunton office that had blocked my membership renewal so was I surprised ?

And just who is still living off immoral earnings? — I asked the obvious, to Party HQ, for my money back and with ‘tongue in cheek’, my Party donations over these past 40 years but I was promptly cut off!

Police officers ‘taking to the knee’ – – what on earth is happening to our England?

Welsh police’s 30 years of unchecked illegal conduct forces the sale of my house for £100,000 …tel 07708586202 – will exchange for boat, aircraft or wife 0r for half the price near by…..

St Vran

Nearby for £130,000 4 bed town residence

About Maurice Kirk

"When the state get it wrong it is dangerous to be right" (Voltaire) A website as a warning to others should you cross the Welsh authorities. I am forced to be a chronic litigant after being 5 years in Prison due to the Welsh Police determined to have me locked away by using fabricated medical records, by their blackmailed doctor.
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1 Response to Lazy, Lying MP has even blocked my voting for my New Prime Minister!

  1. jake says:

    I’ve never been allowed to vote in my entire life! After exhausting all other possibilities I initiated legal proceedings….that was 17 years ago! Guess what? Still waiting for a court date…..


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