TWO of LLANGUNOOR SIX in CARDIFF Crown Court 4th Jury Trial with Fascinating Result re Dr XX

17 07 23 Llangunnor 2 in Cardiff Crown Court

A fascinating Abuse of Process hearing, today, I thought ….So what had been decided before the hearing my spectators from the public gallery were all asking over the usual jovial lunch that usually follows such predictable spectacles of intrigue?

This was a proposed prosecution exhibit in my 1st Dec 2011 Cardiff Magistrates ‘harassment’ of the blackmailed police doctor but District Judge John Charles refused it being produced ……(see clerk of court’s copious contemporaneous notes the CPS now admit they have with the CCRC’s original copies but  both, yes, both refuse their disclosure as when before both Lord Justice Leverson and Mr Justice Melling, in my March 2012 appeal, when the CPS withheld the jury notes  from Their Lordships as well!

About Maurice Kirk

"When the state get it wrong it is dangerous to be right" (Voltaire) A website as a warning to others should you cross the Welsh authorities. I am forced to be a chronic litigant after being 5 years in Prison due to the Welsh Police determined to have me locked away by using fabricated medical records, by their blackmailed doctor.
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